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HG-Auction Configuration Documentation


General Settings

Config.Framework = "newesx" --(1)!
Config.Theme = "default" --(2)!
Config.OpenCommand = "auc" -- (Command or `#!lua false` to disable it)
Config.Categories = { --(3)!
Config.discordlog = "" --(4)!
  1. Framework to use: "newesx", "oldesx", "newqb", or "oldqb"
  2. Change the color theme of the interface. Set the name to the data-theme attribute in your theme.css file. Read more here
  3. Available Categories

  4. Discord webhook URL


You can only remove categories. You cannot add more.

Language Settings

Change the language to any of the provided locales

Config.Lang = "en"
You can add a language or modify an existing one very easily. Simply navigate to the web/assets/locale directory:
└── hg-auction/
    └── web/
        └── assets/
            └── locale/
                β”œβ”€β”€ en.json
                └── *.json
There, you'll find json files that have the translations for the panel. You can modify the existing ones. To add another language, simply copy one of the existing files (ex: en.json) and rename it to something else (ex: fr.json for French) And change the text.


    // Rest of the file
    "BALANCE": "Solde",
    "CATEGORY_ALL": "Tous",
    "CATEGORY_VEHICLES": "VΓ©hicules",
    // Rest of the file

Next, simply change the value to whatever you named the file

Config.Lang = "fr"

SQL Settings

Config.Mysql = "oxmysql" --(1)!
Config.MysqlTableName = "hg-auction" --(2)!
Config.MysqlTableName2 = "hg-auction_demand" --(3)!
  1. Available options:
    • mysql-async
    • ghattimysql
    • oxmysql
  2. Change the SQL Table's name (For auctions).
  3. Change the SQL Table's name (For auction history).


Only change the SQL Table's name if you understand the implications!

Auction Rules Settings

General rules
Config.ServerWait = 120000 --(1)!
Config.MinBet = 100 --(2)!
Config.EnableAuctionDelete = true --(3)!
Config.EnableAnimation = true -- (4)!
Config.EnablePrivateAuction = true -- (5)!
Config.EnableBlackMoneyAuction = true --(6)!
Config.RequiredItem = "phone" --(7)!
  1. Amount of time between auction money refunding checks. Recommended > 30000 (In milliseconds)
  2. Minimum amount above the last bid.(Minimum value is 1)
  3. Allow auction deletion. (true or false)
  4. Enable tablet animation when opening the interface. (true or false)
  5. Enable private auctions (Only people with certain jobs can see private auctions. See Access Settings)
  6. Enable black money auctions. This option is forced to false for qbcore.
  7. Item required to open the interface (item name or false to disable it)
Time Expansion settings

The time expansion system extends the time by a configurable amount when someone bets before the auction ends. This setting is highly recommended for servers with over 64 concurrent players as it prevents any player lag/desyncing issues.

Config.ExpandDuration = true --(1)!
Config.ExpandWhenLeft = 60 --(2)!
Config.ExpandTime = 60 --(3)!

  1. Enable the time expansion feature when someone bids before the specified duration. (true or false)
  2. The duration (in seconds) before the end of an auction when bidding triggers time extension.
  3. The amount of time (in seconds) to extend when someone bids before the specified duration.
Config.ReturnMoneyIfLost = true --(1)!
Config.AutoGiveReward = true -- (2)!
  1. Automatically give the won artice to the winning players. (Functions.lua)
  2. Refund the money to players after an auction ends. (true or false)


Config.EnableGlobalNotification = true --(1)!
Config.EnableNewAuctionNotif = true --(2)!
-- You can change/translate the notifications/Text that show up.
Config.NoBidder = "No one" --(3)!
Config.AuctionAdded = "Auction Added"
Config.AuctionNotAdded = "Error Adding Auction"
Config.AuctionUpdated = "Auction Updated"
Config.AuctionDeleted = "Auction Deleted"
Config.NotEnoughMoney1 = "You Do not have enough dirty money to place this bid"
Config.NotEnoughMoney2 = "You Do not have enough money to place this bid"
Config.BidPlaced = "Bid successfully placed"
Config.AmountDebited = "Amount Debited: " -- (4)!
Config.NotEnoughMargin = "Bid Amount should be at least  " .. Config.MinBet .. " higher than the last bid."
Config.AmountLow = "Amount too low"
Config.RefundMoney = "You have been refunded from the last auction, Amount: " --(5)!
Config.RefundDirtyMoney = "You have been refunded from the last auction, Amount: " --(6)!
Config.itemrecieved = "Auction Item Recieved"
Config.weaponrecieved = "Auction Weapon Recieved"
Config.vehrecieved = "Auction Vehicle has been delivered to your Garage"
Config.houserecieved = "Auction House recieved"
Config.otherrecieved = "" 
  1. Enable global auction announcements in chat. (true or false)
  2. Enable new auction announcements in chat. (true or false)
  3. Name to show when no one has bid.
  4. Amount removed from bank/dirty money account.
  5. Refund for bank money.
  6. Refund for dirty money.

Notification event:

Config.Notification = function(message, type) --(1)!
        if Config.Framework == "newesx" or Config.Framework == "oldesx" then
            TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message)
        elseif Config.Framework == "newqb" or Config.Framework == "oldqb"  then
            TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type, 1500)
        elseif Config.Framework == "custom" then -- (2)!
            DrawNotification(false, false)

  1. Here you can change the events for notifications.
    • Define your own notification event here.
    • By default, this uses GTA's notification system.

Access Settings

Config.AuctionJob = 'police' -- (1)!
Config.AdminPermissions = { --(2)!
Config.LeoJobs = { --(3)!
  1. The job that has rights to add/edit/delete auctions (job name or false to disable it)
  2. Admin roles that have the right to add/edit/delete auctions
  3. Jobs that see private auctions


Admins have rights to add/edit/delete auctions by default


We include 4 themes: "Default","Ocean","Purple", "Space". You can put these in Config.Theme.

You can change/add Themes by changing the colors in the theme.css file, found under web/.

└── hg-auction/
    └── web/
        └── theme.css

If the provided theme.css file isn't formatted, you can use an online CSS formatter to make it readable.


If you found anything unclear, or you have any questions, you can contact us on Discord by opening a ticket.