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HG-Login Developer Guide

Testing / Debugging

You can use the following configuration options during development to aid debugging and testing

-- For Dev
Config.EmailDebug = false --(1)!
Config.EnableTestingCommands = false --(2)!
  1. Enable email service API debug mode (Server Console). This helps troubleshoot email-related functionalities during development (true or false)

  2. Enable testing commands, allowing simulation of various scenarios in the server console. Usage: (server console)

    • testemail register
    • testemail passreset
    • testemail passchanged
    • testemail whitelist

Email Customization

You can customize the existing letters for each email by changing Whitelist.html, Register.html, PasswordReset.html, PasswordChanged.html files, found under letters/.

└── hg-login/
    └── letters/
        └── Whitelist.html
        └── Register.html
        └── PasswordReset.html
        └── PasswordChanged.html

You can download the html letters below


We only allow imgur and discord links in email html letters, if you use different links, the emails will not be delivered.


Look for server side print on resource start to know if the letters got imported successfully or no.