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HG-Notify Developer Guide

The HG-Notify script provides a set of exports that allow you to send notifications to players. Here's how you can use them:

Client Side

You can display a notification using the ToggleNotify export from client side.

            status = "success", --(1)!
            title = "Success", --(2)!
            text = "This is a success notification", --(3)!
            audio = "success", -- optional --(4)!
            effect = "slide", -- optional --(5)!
            speed = 300, -- optional --(6)!
            customClass = "", -- optional --(7)!
            showIcon = true,  --(8)!
            autotimeout = 3000,-- optional --(9)!
            type = "outline", -- optional --(10)!
            position = "right top", -- optional --(11)!
            gap = 20, -- optional --(12)!
            padding = 20  -- optional --(13)!
  1. Notification type : 'error' || 'warning' || 'success' || 'info'
  2. Notification title (obviously)
  3. Notification body text (you can use html)
  4. Notification Sound: 'error' || 'warning' || 'success' || 'info'
  5. Notificaiton Effect: 'fade'|| 'slide'
  6. transition-duration in milliseconds
  7. Css class
  8. Show Notification icon ? (true or false)
  9. Notification duration in milliseconds
  10. Notification Style: 'outline' || 'filled'
  11. Notification position: Combine x and y position. 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'x-center', 'y-center' or use only 'center' to center both x and y
  12. Gap between notifications
  13. Padding of the notifications

You can force clear all notification using the ClearNotify export from client side.

exports['hg-notify']:ClearNotify() --(1)!
  1. Force close all notifications

Server Side

You can display a notification for a specific player using the ToggleNotify export from server side.

exports['hg-notify']:ToggleNotify(source, {
            status = "success", --(1)!
            title = "Success", --(2)!
            text = "This is a success notification", --(3)!
            audio = "success", -- optional --(4)!
            effect = "slide", -- optional --(5)!
            speed = 300, -- optional --(6)!
            customClass = "", -- optional --(7)!
            showIcon = true,  --(8)!
            autotimeout = 3000,-- optional --(9)!
            type = "outline", -- optional --(10)!
            position = "right top", -- optional --(11)!
            gap = 20, -- optional --(12)!
            padding = 20  -- optional --(13)!
  1. Notification type : 'error' || 'warning' || 'success' || 'info'
  2. Notification title (obviously)
  3. Notification body text (you can use html)
  4. Notification Sound: 'error' || 'warning' || 'success' || 'info'
  5. Notificaiton Effect: 'fade'|| 'slide'
  6. transition-duration in milliseconds
  7. Css class
  8. Show Notification icon ? (true or false)
  9. Notification duration in milliseconds
  10. Notification Style: 'outline' || 'filled'
  11. Notification position: Combine x and y position. 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'x-center', 'y-center' or use only 'center' to center both x and y
  12. Gap between notifications
  13. Padding of the notifications

Variables Table

Parameter Type Values Default
status String 'error', 'warning', 'success' 'info' null
title String null
text String You can send any type of HTML. null
audio String Audio path: ui/assets/ null
customIcon String You can send any type of HTML. null
customClass String null
speed Number Transition duration in milliseconds. 300
effect String 'fade', 'slide' 'fade'
showIcon Boolean true
showCloseButton Boolean true
autoclose Boolean true
autotimeout (with autoclose: true) Number 3000
gap (margin between notifications) Number 20
distance (distance to edges) Number 20
type String 'outline', 'filled' 'outline'